Many people who embark on weight loss surgery have come into contact with at least one dietitian in the past and let’s face it, we aren’t on the top of anyone’s Christmas card list! So when your weight loss surgeon suggests you see yet another dietitian, you shudder at the thought! But hear me out. We play a valuable role in your weight loss journey both before and after your surgery, and I’ll show you why. By Kate Stoker, Principal at Simply Nutrition Dietitians and in-house dietitian with Dr James Askew - Bariatric Surgeon - Sunshine Coast.
These are the types of questions we’re asked every day…and many more! Our goal is to support you through the process, help you to achieve your weight loss goals, keep the weight off and to most importantly to keep you feeling well! What to Expect To help ease the anxiety often felt when you make an appointment to see us, here is what to expect from your appointments: Pre-op
As you can see from above, our main role is to support YOU! We are not here to tell you that you’ve done the wrong thing or how badly you’ve eaten in the past. We want you to find the best way of eating to suit you and your life as well as achieving good nutrition to keep you feeling well. If you'd like assistance please feel free to reach out via phone or email. By Kate Stoker,Principal at Simply Nutrition Dietitians
October 2017